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a letter from ADMINISTRATION

Greetings PCA FAMILY,

We would like to start this letter by sharing with you two passages of scripture that guide and guard our focus at PCA: 


Luke 10:27 and Romans 12:2. These passages speak not only to the heart of who we are, but what we aim to produce in the lives and hearts of our students and their families, by the grace of God.


Luke 10:27 - “… ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.’ ”


The goal of education is worship. Yes, securing a job and being equipped to make a positive impact in society are the products of a good education, but worship is primary. In all that we do and learn, the aim is to disciple students to know God and to love Him above all things. This is our aim, and this is how we measure our success as a school - students who come to know the God of all things (math, science, history, sports, arts, etc.) and give their lives and hearts for His glory. This love for God leads to relational health – love for our neighbor. Our neighbor is our family member, our fellow students or colleague, and anyone we come in contact with in life. What is missing in the world is not educated men and women, but godly educated men and women whose life leaves a mark of eternity wherever they go.


Romans 12:2 - Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.


Much of education is conforming to this world by process, standards, and expectations. Sadly, this is true of many Christian schools as well. Students are exposed to teaching and morality that contradict the standards of godliness commanded in the Bible. At PCA, students will be educated in a context devoted to whole life discipleship. The whole child will be taught, and all aspects of their lives will be celebrated and developed from a Biblical perspective. This includes truly embracing their childhood, and their interactions with their family unit will be of the utmost importance. Academically, they will be equipped to navigate the false narratives of society from a Biblical worldview and remain strong in their faith and testimony. At PCA, we will bring about an intellectual transformation in life, mind, perspective, and creativity.


We are continually excited about Peace Christian Academy and the strong impact PCA can make in the lives of all the families that we get to reach. We are, as a team, not simply united in purpose, cause, and passion, but we are committed to cultivating a school of excellence in all things that impact a child. It goes without saying that we will not be perfect, but I assure you that no school will outwork us in seeking to deliver on our promise and mission to our families. Like the apostle Paul, we will struggle with all His energy to achieve our goals (Colossians 1:29). You who are journeying with us are special to us. Your thoughts, insights and suggestions are welcomed. I not only want to hear from you, but I ask that you partner with us to honor the Lord in creating a school that shapes students and education, in general, in the future. PCA is a school for such a time as this.


I want you to know how honored we are that you are considering PCA. While we are new, we are a seasoned group of teachers and administrators who understand education and are passionate about equipping the next generation of students in healthy and godly ways. Through our extensive research, we are confident that we have developed a structure for PCA allowing us to put a spin on the traditional model of education while striving to keep the most important things, family, faith, and childhood, at the center of it all. 


Again, we are excited about what PCA is and is becoming, and prayerfully hopeful that you will join us on this journey of overall excellence for the glory of Christ.


May God surround you with His peace,

PCA Administration

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